The Little Things Add Up
The Little Things Mental Health Campaign is a mental health and wellbeing campaign observed in January. The objective of the campaign is to highlight little things an individual can do to improve their mental health, including keeping active, talking about problems, drinking less alcohol, and eating and sleeping well. Though mental illness is an immensely complex and harrowing experience, the campaign holds that little things can improve your sense of wellbeing … at least a little. Here are some tiny tips for brightening your day.
Keeping Active – Being active every day, something as simple as a walk, is proven to have a positive impact on your mood. Watching TV? Do some exercise while viewing instead of sitting on the couch.
Talking about your problems – Problems feel smaller when they are shared with others, without having to be solved or fixed. Just talking about it will do you good.
Looking out for others – Lending an ear to someone else in trouble, or catching up with someone who seems distant, can change their day, or their lives. You don't have to fix it for them - just listening is a huge help.
Doing things with others – Taking part in a group activity that you enjoy is proven to have a positive impact on how you feel, be it a game of football, joining a choir, volunteering, etc.
Eating healthily – A regular healthy, balanced and nutritious diet will help both your physical and mental health, and have a positive impact on how you feel.
Staying in touch – Catching up with friends and family is good for our mental health, reminding us that we're part of a community, and having a positive impact on how we feel.
Drinking less alcohol – Reducing alcohol will have a positive impact on your health and mental wellbeing, making it easier to cope with day-to-day difficulties and stresses.
Sleeping well – Getting a good night's sleep of 7 or 8 hours, as often as you can, will have a positive impact on how you feel. Protect your sleep if you can; it will do you good.
Sometimes it's the little things that have the biggest impact. These gentle practices are your reminder to slow down, breathe, and find joy in the everyday.
Employee Spotlight: Stuart Fielder
What do you do at TTI? At TTI, I am a Senior Case Manager, I do a lot of things related to case management but mainly my role is to assist both the consumers we care for and the case managers that may need assistance for their respective caseloads.
What do you love most about your job? The flexibility and being able to own my schedule and work with the people I do. I enjoy making others happy, and being in a position to do this every day is valuable to me.
What inspired you to join the team here? I used to work at a crisis residential unit and TTI would normally frequent the unit and I would get to know some of the case managers that worked for TTI and was exposed early in my career to what I may or may not choose to do.
What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career? Accountability. If you make a mistake (Which you will), to own it. It’s better to be honest and communicate your mistakes with others so that you may be able to explain your thinking as to why you chose to make the decision you did as opposed to hiding it.
When did you first know that you wanted to pursue a career in this field? We took an aptitude test in middle school and I went with Psychology as a career path!
What makes you unique as a team member? My attitude, I’m always smiling and I’m a very big personality and like to make jokes and keep everyone laughing.
What do you think is the most important skill that you bring to the table? Probably my ability to go with the flow and accept things as they are and adapt as needed.
What is the most important lesson that you’ve learned from working with the team? My team typically likes when I make them breakfast.
Tell me a bit about your family. I am the oldest of three brothers, My mother and father both still live in North Branch where I graduated high school. I am married to my wife Shelby who works full time as an art therapist for tender hearts in Bay City. We bought our house in 2019 and have two dogs (Goose and Jackson) my Cat (Chicken Nugget) and my rabbit (Suki).
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Disc Golf. I am a PDGA member, and typically spend my weekends at the parks outdoors with my friends or at tournaments. I love camping, fishing, cooking out, and traveling.
What would your perfect weekend look like? When it’s nice out (Sunny and 70) and I’m around the family playing backyard games and having fun!
Are there any TV series, movies, books, etc., that you’re into right now? We typically watch survivor every Wednesday, would love to try out and be on it one day
What is a dream that you want to make come true one day? To live completely off grid and have a homestead on a large farm.
What’s your favorite type of food or cuisine? Pizza! Any Kind (No anchovies)
If you could pick any superpower, what would it be? Definitely time travel.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? I would love to go to Egypt.
- Write down 3 things you’re grateful for.
- Read a book this week that will make you pause and reflect.
- If you have a long to-do list, be proactive and just pick one thing to tick off.
- Examine how you talk to yourself: Are you treating yourself with compassion and kindness?
- Drink more water. Hydration improves mood, short-term memory, attention and reaction time!
- Notice and name your emotions and give yourself permission to feel all of them.
- Listen to music that makes you happy – have an impromptu dance party!
- Tackle the hardest thing first today: This gives you momentum for the day ahead and reduces procrastination and stress.
- Reach out to a colleague and ask how they’re feeling; showing care and building connection are great ways to alleviate stress.
- Block out time in your calendar to go for a walk.
- Take a few minutes to practice deep breathing – it can feel a little silly, but it’s a proven strategy!
- Look for quiet spaces to spend time in. Take time out and change your environment if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed.
- Think of someone who’s influenced and inspired you – write them a note to say thanks.
- Find a pen and a post-it and draw a little picture. It doesn’t have to be good or complex! Prioritize spending time with family and friends and get a little joy this weekend!
- Try out a new recipe for dinner tonight – be a little adventurous!
- Give yourself a little treat today.
- Write an “I did” list, instead of just focusing on your “to do” list. Every item is a win.
- Find a private space and say these words out loud: “I am safe. I am strong. I am enough.”
- Decompress in nature – go for a walk in the park or have coffee in your yard!
- Do something fun today!
- Try out meditation. Take just 5-10 minutes out of your day to recenter.
- Go out of your way to support your coworkers.
- Do a step challenge to encourage yourself to get outside and active.
- Replace self-criticism with your inner cheerleader.
- Spend some time in the sunshine.
- Stimulate your brain with a puzzle, crossword, Sudoku, etc.
- Mindfully eat: Notice the taste, smell and texture of your food.
- Clean up your social media: unfollow, block or unsubscribe.
- Choose an affirmation to repeat throughout the day.
- Plan a date night for yourself that's all about self-care.
- End the month by again writing 3 things you’re grateful for. Consider how this month of minding your mental health has shifted your mindset.